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Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Dermatologist Lotion For Acne Prone Patients

by: Tim Gorman
You can find dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients at your doctor’s office. Your dermatologist will be able to suggest or prescribe the best dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients.

If you have problems with acne you may want to ask your doctor for a dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients. It is better to have a dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients before acne becomes out of control.

When your dermatologist suggests a dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients it may or may not be a prescription. There is more than one dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients and your doctor can discuss your options.

Your doctor may prescribe a dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients that requires a prescription. If this is the case you will need to get the prescription at a drugstore or pharmacy. Be sure to follow all directions when using the dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients.

Retin-A is one such prescription that is a dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients. It is a dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients that has been very effective.

Depending on the dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients that your doctor recommends, you may have choices about where to purchase it. If the dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients in not a prescription you may be able to purchase it online.

The cost of the dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients may vary. Some medications are much more expensive than others. If the dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients is a prescription the cost may be covered under your insurance plan.

If acne is becoming a problem for you ask your doctor for his advice.

About the Author
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Debunking the Myths Concerning Acne and Skin Problems

by: Dennis Becker
Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have?
An obvious benefit of skin is that it protects our bodies' internal organs from harmful elements like dirt, insects, bites, toxic chemicals, nasty weather, and the like, and it certainly is more attractive than what's underneath.
When skin is healthy it's nice to look at, but when it's diseased, it can not only affect you physically, but more painfully can cause stress and social problems.
Like the common cold, acne and similar skin diseases can be treated and covered up, but cannot really be cured. The best treatment is prevention and knowledge about what makes your skin happy, so that you can avoid skin care enemies and breakout triggers.
The real cause of acne can vary from individual to individual, but some factors can be stated with relative certainty:
  1. Acne occurs when pores or hair follicles become blocked or clogged.
  2. There are basically 4 types of acne manifestations: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and nodules.
  3. Acne can appear pretty much anywhere on the skin, though it causes the most concern when it shows up on the face. The worst forms of acne break out, however, on the chest and back, and most commonly on males rather than females because of hormonal differences.
  4. There are many common myths and untruths about acne, rosacea, and other skin care problems.
Some acne myths include "you'll outgrow it, so leave it alone", "being out in the sun helps acne", "acne problems are directly or indirectly proportionate to sexual activity", "acne visits dirty people", "acne is contagious", and too many more to list in this short article.
The sad thing is that belief in the myths can be devasting, in that proper treatment is avoided, and lifestyle changes that don't need to be made can take away pleasure unnecessarily.
For example, at one point in my life, I truly believed that I was allergic to chocolate and that it caused my breakouts. Whenever I would succumb to the temptation and have "just a little" I would stress out waiting for the red spots, and sure enough they would appear.
After several years and much experimentation, I learned I had no allergy, the stress was a trigger for me, and a new over the counter face scrub has kept me in the clear ever since.
Knowing what triggers your breakouts can be the difference between constant battles and healthy skin. The Internet is a wonderful place to get the information you need, so stop stressing out and learn what it takes to put your best face forward.

About The Author

Dennis Becker has developed a free e-Course titled "Ultimate Acne Prevention and Treatment Guide" which debunks the myths and shows you how to look great consistently. The e-Course, along with other skin care articles can be accessed at:
Copyright (c) 2005 by Dennis Becker. You may publish this article, in its entirety, on your web site or in your ezine, as long as you include this full signature box including an active hyperlink to our web site.

Curing Acne Naturally - Effective Herbal Acne Treatments

by: Danna Schneider
Chances are, if you find yourself reading this article, you have suffered the feelings of embarassment, self-consciousness and insecurity an acne breakout can bring on in what seems like the blink of an eye. Suddenly, you find yourself checking the mirror every hour on the hour, hoping the blemishes on your face have spontaneously cleared and you can breathe a sigh of relief. You feel sure that everyone you come in contact with is zooming in on each and every blemish, and why wouldn't they be? It's certainly the first thing YOU see when you look in the mirror!

Now, imagine you experience this exact scenario every day of your life, as many men and women do who suffer chronic adult acne, far beyond the "acne prone" years of adolescence. The fact is, acne remains a very real and persistent problem in today's society for men and women, teenagers and adults, and instead of going away or getting better, it seems to be more prominent and more severe than ever. What this can be attributed to is the subject of much debate in the medical and dermatological community. Higher stress levels? More hormones and synthetic chemicals in our foods? Genes? Changing diets? It's anyone's guess, but the fact remains that acne is a very real cause for emotional distress, self-consciousness and insecurity for many, and it shows no signs of getting better.

With the advent of modern dermatology and medical science, there have been some excellent new products that combine modern science and nature to form a hybrid product superior to many of it's prescription counterparts, and highly effective for many who have found that traditional treatments failed them in the long run. The aim of these products is to facilitate hormonal balance, therefore targeting acne at the source, from the inside, rather than the outside alone.

These herbal acne medicines have proven highly effective in combatting acne by "cleansing" the skin from the inside, getting to the source of the problem by balancing the natural testosterone and estrogen found within the male and female body. Excess testosterone and excess estrogen are the primary causes of acne, hence the most common years for acne breakouts are the teenage years of hormonal turmoil.

Natural acne products can actually clear the skin for good, only requiring occasional follow up treatments, whereas conventional methods can require constant treatment, and the results disappear as soon as the individual weens themselves off the medicine. Also, many acne treatments prescribed by doctors or dermatologists are antibiotic in nature. Continuous antibiotic treatment can actually result in antibiotic resistance in the body, meaning when you really need your body to respond to antibiotic treatment, such as in illness, it may have built a tolerance and need more powerful meds to respond correctly. Some prescribed acne medications can even be dangerous, and are to be taken only for the most severe cases of acne and with the utmost caution (Acutane).

These treatments and systems are designed to target the hormones, balancing them in many cases for good, and requiring little or no follow up treatment or monitoring. They can work for people (myself a case-in-point), who have had every other conventional acne treatment fail them time and time again, or become ineffective over time.

Overall, herbal acne remedies have proven to be a highly effective and cost effective alternative for countless acne sufferers. Why not try it, and join the Clear Skin Club?

About the Author
Danna Schneider is the webmaster of the beauty review and advice website ( ). She is a cosmetics, cosmeceutical and beauty product researcher and enthusiast. Additional acne information and acne product reviews can be found at

Cure Acne Naturally In Just 3 Days

by: Peter Morgan
Look Better, Feel Better, and Raise Your Self-Esteem by Banishing Your Acne in Only 3 Days. Chris Gibson shows how to cure acne naturally, using a simple natural acne remedy can follow. Scars can be removed with this treatment too. The pain and agony of acne can now be cured in a 3 day treatment using an easy program.

Treating, removing and curing acne naturally is possible in three days. Many satisfied customers are stating similar statements to Chris who said "I didn't think I would Ever get rid of the acne that had tormented me for so long. I desperately wanted to feel better about myself. I wanted the acne Gone - so, I gave it a try. After 3 days, I woke up and made the slow walk to my bathroom mirror. I walked in with my eyes closed, and when I opened them, my jaw dropped to the floor!”

The skin care method consists of natural ingredients everyone can get a hold of. Many of the ingredients are available right in your home. It is a guaranteed method to reduce and clear acne (blackheads, whiteheads, zits, pimples). Many users have mentioned how they lost their acne overnight. Chris is so sure about this natural acne remedy that he offers a 90 Days Money Back Guarantee. Learn more

Chris Gibson states, "You will find that your acne will start to disappear - if not totally be gone - at the end of 3 days. You will spend more time with your family and friends, showing off your clear skin. You will feel better and look better, and your self-confidence and self-esteem will go through the roof! Plus, you will never have to worry about having a serious acne problem again. After trying this simple, natural acne remedy, I have been acne free for over nineteen years! That is why you need something besides a cream. You need to find a system that will cure the problem from the inside out.

The cure found in our book can be applied at your house. No need to go to the doctor or spend thousands of dollars on prescription medicines.

For additional information on how to cure acne naturally go to:

About the Author
Peter Morgan is a 10+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Creating A Healthy Skin and Clearing Acne Naturally

by: Lena Sanchez
Creating A Healthy Skin and Clearing Acne Naturally © By Lena Sanchez
Acne affects more than 20 million teenagers, and hundreds of adults according to the AAD (American Academy of Dermatology). It is the most common problem in the United States. Many over the counter remedies exist and hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent yearly on them. I have come up with some inexpensive home remedies that work perfectly well and are healthier for the skin.

ACNE Symptoms: Persistent, recurrent pimples or skin blemishes on the skin. Acne is commonly found on the face but can also occur on the chest, shoulder, neck and upper portion of the back.
What is going on? Usually because of clogging of the pores in the sebaceous hair follicles, from oils and dead skin cells that build up bacteria in the blocked follicle, thus causes inflammation in that area.
Prevention: Keeping the area clean, eating less fatty foods and sugars will most times prevent acne.

Cleanse (not scrub) your face at least twice daily with a gentle natural anti-microbial herbal soap such as calendula (Calendula officinalis), lavender (Lavandula officinalis) for both treatment and prevention.
After cleaning, apply one drop of tea tree oil - a natural anti-microbial - to each blemish. *For an overnight treatment that will dry and heal, use a clay poultice, worn all night. Use either green clay or bentonite as a base. (Can be obtained at most health food stores). Combine 1 teaspoon of clay with enough water to make a paste the consistency of toothpaste. Mix in 3 drops of tea tree oil and apply to blemishes. Rinse off with warm water in the morning.

Facial Steam:
Give yourself an herbal facial steam treatment twice a week to gently and deeply clean pores. Into a heat-proof bowl pour 1 ½ quarts of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of dried lavender, which is both and anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Cover your head and the bowl with a large bath towel, steam your face for 10 minutes, taking care not to burn yourself with the steam.

Natural Alpha Hydroxy:
From your own kitchen comes a great natural alpha hydroxy healer.
~ Wash well and put into a blender: 2 or 3 ripe unpeeled pitted apricots, ~ 2 large or 3 medium sized fresh Strawberries preferred, but frozen will work as well, ~ ¼ of a medium to large avocado (equivalent to a 3"X 2" piece,
~ 1 heaping tablespoon of honey. Put in blender and liquefy until frothy. Apply to face, leave on for about 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse with warm herbal soapy water. Then open a capsule of vitamin E and apply to face.
If leftovers, store in a glass jar for no more than 7 days. Use this facial twice weekly for soft blemish free skin. To remove small wrinkles leave on overnight.

Natural Blemish Healing Astringents:
Apply Lemon juice and let dry, apply as often as you wish. Acts as an astringent and a healer. Lemon has a drawing affect and will help heal blemishes as well as prevent pores from becoming clogged. For abscessed pores apply a piece of lemon peel directly on the spot, skin side out. Can be left on up to three hours.
My sister and I had this favorite thing to use as teenagers.

Take 1 raw egg and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, whip until frothy and apply to skin, let dry then wash off with herbal wash and cool water. Egg is a great drawing healer. Do this two or three times a week, will help keep your face free of blemishes and blackheads. I have never experienced the black heads and acne others have, could it be due to this habit as a child and teenager and the fact that I don't ingest dairy foods?

Natural Preventions;
*Lotus Root tea two or three times a day will improve blemishes.
Take 30 to 45 mg of zinc a day and Antioxidants helps the regeneration of skin tissue!
If you, like me, tend to have very dry skin you have probably spent lots of $$$ on lotions and potents that don't give lasting effects. Well I live in a very arid part of the world, which does nothing to help my dry skin but rather made it worse until I discovered something to nourish and restore it:

Bath in a luxurious 15-minute bubble bath two to four times a week with 1/4 cup Life Transfusion Liquid Ionic 84 Minerals. Such softness and smoothness you can not imagine as well as the relaxation it does for my mind… If you don't know where to obtain liquid minerals

Oriental medicine has a teaching…blemishes or pimples on the different body areas correspond to specific organs or parts of the body before they actually show up. Areas being:
A) Forehead indicates a problem with the intestinal tract. B) Cheeks indicate lung or breast problems. C) Nose indicates heart area. D) Around the mouth indicate reproductively area. E) Jaws indicate kidney area. F) Upper back indicates lung area. G) Shoulders indicate digestive area. H) Chest indicates both lung and heart area. Not to panic anyone but this only indicates that people with blemishes/pimples should improve their overall health as the road to ridding the body of blemishes!

A good start is by eliminating some of the dairy products saturated animal fats and sugars, ad daily minerals and vitamins. The medical profession for the most part, says diet has nothing to do with it. Do you want to believe that? There are far more studies and histories that prove otherwise!
Take charge of your own life and treatments for your own optimum health.

Go out and get healthy Now!
*** Lena Sanchez Author of "Handbook Of Herbs To Health & Other Secrets," "Antibiotic Alternatives To Preventing Mega Bacteria," & "Dangers & Secrets Doctors Refuse To Tell You." Found online at and Editor of "Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your Home Business Coach" ezine subscribe at
a retired Medical Office Administrator/nurse and Medical Office consultant
editor of “Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your Home Business Coach” ezine She continues her goal in life of helping people regain their health and wealth. A brief bio at

Creat Your Own Effective Acne Cure

by: Naweko San-Joyz
Since 1982 Accutane has been a reliable, if not controversial, drug for treating severe acne. Now with FDA representative David J. Graham’s statement that Accutane should be taken off the market, and pharmaceutical manufacturer La Roche’s defense of Accutane’s safety in a Florida courtroom, access to Accutane faces mounting restrictions.

Author of Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne, Naweko San-Joyz, understands the concerns facing acne sufferer’s who desire Accutane-like results. San-Joyz conducted research to inexpensively mimic the effects of Accutane. “ Accutane provokes five acne-fighting actions that anyone can replicate using nutrition and self-care”, explains San-Joyz.

Reduce excess oil secretion:

Encourage extreme shedding of the skin:

Using a peel is the easiest method to promote shedding of the skin. Exfoliation releases the build-up of dead skin cells, oils and bacteria trapped in the pores, which could lead to the formation of blemishes.

Extreme peels.
Peels come in varying degrees, from mild to harsh. The trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel is an extreme peel that can cost from $100 to $1000 depending on the degree of the treatment. It is only performed in a doctor’s office. The TCA is not a save all however. The peel can make the skin sensitive to the sun cause hyper-pigmentation.

Home use peels:
Several over-the-counter peels contain papaya enzymes or glycolic acid. These peels lightly exfoliate the skin and are safe for weekly use.

Reduce the spread of bacterial infection:
Using an astringent such as witch hazel or apple cider vinegar to disinfect the skin significantly reduces the presence of bacteria on the face. This reduction limits skin inflammation and the likelihood of a pimple developing.

Enhance Fat Metabolism:
Free fatty acids can irritate the skin and provoke acne eruptions. Reducing intake of foods containing hydrolyzed fats will improve fat metabolism. However, do consume essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are found in foods such as salmon and olive oil. These essential fats aid the gastrointestinal tract eliminate pro-inflammatory substances, which reduces the possibility of experiencing acne lesions.

Reduce inflammation:
A strong immune system serves as a buffer against inflammation. Stress reducing activities such as exercising, eating a well-balanced diet and sleeping well boosts the immune system. A diet supplemented with B-Complex, zinc and vitamins C and E likewise enhances the effectiveness of the immune system.
Like Accutane, these five steps will not work overnight. Accutane works via creating a bodily environment that is not conducive to acne. By adhering to the nutritional and aesthetic steps above, anyone can attain clear skin while simultaneously augmenting their health. For more acne self-care tips visit or read Acne Messages at (ISBN: 0974912204).

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Controlling Acne

by: Lori Stryker
Controlling Acne affects a majority of teenagers and many adults well into middle age. It is dreaded and despaired over by many who suffer from this common skin condition. Clearing acne begins by understanding what acne really is and what triggers it. Then we will consider how it can be controlled by lifestyle choices, skin care choices and wise use of make-up.

Who suffers from it?

Teenagers struggle with acne, but so do many adults. Acne breakouts can result from fluctuating hormone levels at various stages of life, such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Outwardly, acne can reveal internal signs, such as poor elimination or buildup of toxins, a lack of exercise or high stress levels. Both men and women contend with acne, and as good health and beauty are intertwined, the causes of acne can reveal the solutions to managing and reducing skin breakouts.

What is it?

Acne occurs when the oil glands produce excess sebum, the skin's own oil, which accumulates with dead skin cells to form a plug which results in a clogged skin pore. Bacteria trapped inside the pore feed of the sebum mixture, multiplying and producing agents which irritate the walls of the pore. As the immune system works to attack the bacteria, pus is formed leading to an inflamed pimple, blackhead or whitehead. Picking or squeezing a pimple can cause the pore to rupture, releasing the bacteria into the surrounding area, and can cause more pimples, cysts or scars. For many, certain areas of the skin have overactive sebaceous, or oil glands which produce excess sebum. These areas are typically the forehead, nose, cheeks and/or chin. Comedones, or blackheads, are not caused by dirt, but rather by sebum which has clogged a pore, oxidized and discoloured by melanin.

What triggers it?

Often a spotty complexion denotes a diet high in sugar or saturated fats found in fried foods, refined or processed foods. Conversely, a diet low in fat may lack essential fatty acids, and can also affect the appearance of the skin. Breakouts can reveal toxin buildup, resulting from constipation, kidney or lymphatic problems. Other triggers include a polluted, dry environment, and seasonal climate changes. Genetics also determines whether a person will be predisposed to acne breakouts. In general, acne is caused by a combination of four main factors:

- Genetics
- Skin Care
- Lifestyle
- Emotional State

We cannot change our genetics, but we can change the other three factors to help reduce the likelihood of acne breakouts.

How can acne be controlled?

Skin needs to be cleansed, fed and nurtured. Externally, the skin benefits from a simple regimen:

- Cleansing with a mild, slightly acidic and all natural soap. Other kinds of soaps can cause redness, soreness, irritation or tightness because of the harsh chemicals, colorants detergents and fragrances they are made with. Avoid any products which contain ingredients which may irritate or dry out the skin. Most often culpable ingredients are petroleum derived, synthetic or animal based.
- Tone with an alcohol-free, all natural toner, since alcohol is drying to the skin and will cause the oil glands to produce more sebum. Toner also helps reduce the bacterial population on the skin, decreasing the number of bacteria which will migrate into the pores.
- Moisturize with a petroleum free cream. Petroleum is comedogenic and can clog pores unnecessarily. Creams which contain natural waxes such as beeswax do not have a comedogenic effect on the pores. At night, massage a facial oil into the skin as this helps increase circulation to the surface of the skin and suppresses the oil glands from producing excess oil.
- Once per week, use a gentle exfoliant to remove dead skin cells which accumulate at the surface of the pores and lead to blackheads. A mud mask used once every couple of weeks also helps draw out sebum in the pores as the clays present in the mask are highly absorbent.

Internally, the skin is fed and cleansed by a diet rich in fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. These foods provide more water, nutrients and fibre into the diet and can make a remarkable difference in the appearance of the skin. Relaxation, adequate sleep, exercise and stress reduction also play an important role in keeping the skin clear and healthy as they assist the body to repair and detoxify itself.

Seasonal or climate changes, such as winter and humid summers in addition to dry, polluted environments also contribute to acne breakouts by drying out or irritating the skin. As the skin is exposed to dry temperatures moisture is lost through the skin, triggering the oil glands to produce more sebum. Keeping the skin clean and moisturized is essential to preventing the pores from becoming clogged with excess sebum. In humid conditions, the skin loses moisture through sweat and evaporation, triggering the same process which can lead to breakouts. Moisturizing and regular cleansing in dry, humid or polluted conditions can reduce the onset of acne.

Makeup can also trigger breakouts. If they contain comedogenic ingredients, such as those derived from petroleum, they may contribute to acne despite a clean and healthy skin regimen or lifestyle. Choose all natural makeup which is in harmony with the rest of your skin care regimen and less likely to contribute to breakouts.

Acne treatments which contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide worsen acne, as these are skin irritants and very drying. Tea tree essential oil is a natural alternative, and works by sterilizing the infected area upon contact without damaging the surrounding skin cells. It can also prevent microbial growth in that area for hours. Other treatments for acne include hydrocortisone which thins the skin over time, or antibiotics which can contribute to microbial resistance in the long term. Hormone treatments work by decreasing testosterone levels in the body, since this is the hormone responsible for sebum production. There are natural alternatives to aid in controlling acne, such as tea tree, lemon and juniper berry essential oils. These are effective and much safer to use for treating acne.

Acne can be a source of frustration for many. Much can be done, however to minimize the occurrence of breakouts thereby reducing the impact of acne on our lives. Making healthy adjustments to our diet, lifestyle and skin care product choices can lead to clearer, more radiant and healthy skin, free at last from acne.


- Erikson, K, (2002). Drop Dead Gorgeous
- Marsden, K, (1993). Super Skin
- Purvis, D, (1989). The Business of Beauty
- The Organic Makeup Company can be located at
About the Author
Lori Stryker has been researching and developing all natural skin care and make-up for the purpose of offering men and women safe natural cosmetics for everyday use. She brings to her research a specialist in human biology from the University of Toronto, coupled with a professional home economics degree and an education degree from the University of British Columbia, fusing chemical and biological knowledge with food family and textile sciences.

Conquering Your Acne - A Few Helpful Tips

by: Alan Cabito
Acne is the all-encompassing term that refers to blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads and lumps on the skin. While it’s mostly associated with teenagers it is not necessarily restricted to any one age group. People of any age can suffer from acne.

While it’s true that acne is not a life-threatening ailment, it can be uncomfortable and can leave nasty acne scars. There has been a lot of debate on the cause of acne. One of the most recently discussed causes is milk. That’s right, the same milk that is good for our bones, teeth and hair is now apparently causing acne.

Is There a Cure for Acne?

It’s very difficult to find a definitive answer to this question. There are many miracle creams and facial wipes that claim to be the answer on how to get rid of acne but many are simply soap. A cursory glance down cosmetics and personal health aisles at supermarkets will undoubtedly furnish you with many acne brands and acne treatments, all of which are aimed at the teenagers.

Most Acne treatments take time to work. Roughly six to eight weeks is the usual time for acne to clear, and cosmetics that claim to be an overnight cure are advertised to catch the attention of sufferers who don’t want to wait that long. Once acne has cleared up, it is important to continue with the treatment to prevent its return.

Probably the most effective cure for acne is to consult a dermatologist, although this may only be necessary with the most severe cases. You should bear in mind that just because one treatment has worked on your friends or family, it doesn’t mean it will work on you.

Teenagers and Acne.

While it is true that almost anyone can suffer from acne, it is also true that nearly every teenager between the age of 12 and 18 suffers with acne. Nearly 40% need treatment from a physician.

As with many illnesses or ailments, early treatment is essential. Leaving it too late can cause severe acne scars that may last for many years of a person’s life.

It is important to know what type of acne you have. The following information gives you insight as to what may have actually triggered your acne. Once you know your acne trigger, you are a step closer to removing the acne activator and living acne free.

Adult Acne Sudden onset, or continuation of acne, during adulthood may be caused by hormone imbalances, stress, pollution or medications. Studies have shown a direct link between hormone imbalances and the onset of acne in women ages 30 to 40 years old.

Acne fulminans (too much testosterone acne) is an abrupt onset of acne which is seen in males. This type of acne causes acne on the chest and back, severe acne scarring, fluctuating fever, painful joints, loss of appetite or weight, and a high white blood cell count. This acne is caused by the use of testosterone legally or illegally to enhance muscle growth. Over the counter treatments for this type of acne are not effective.

Acne keloidalis nuchae. This form of acne occurs with people of African descent. It is characterized by firm papules and pustules at the nape of the neck.

Acne medicamentosa (drug induced acne). This is acne which is caused by medications. Common culprits include phenytoin (Dilantin), isoniazid, lithium, bromides, iodides, androgens and corticosteroids. Lithium worsens acne vulgaris and can cause acne in persons who have never experienced acne before.
Ways to Conquer Acne
The most effective methods to combat acne include a combination of prevention and better skincare.
1. Exercise
Regular exercise can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. Avoid wearing tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits. These types of fabrics tend to trap body moisture and heat, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Stick to loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends, and keep your sports gear and equipment clean.
2. Safe Cosmetics
Avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that can contribute to acne, try perfumes and cosmetics that are "hypo-allergenic" and comodogenic or “oil free”. Coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes can cause reactions.
Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can also cause skin irritations and clogged pores. Try a lip gloss with a matte finish for less pore-clogging. The more the shine, the more comedogenic content which causes pores to clog.
3. Healthy Diet
What is best for your body is best for your skin. A good quality multivitamin will probably have the recommended vitamins and minerals that you need to help with acne prevention. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day and making good, healthy dietary food choices including plenty of fruits and vegetables daily will help you maintain optimal health.
4. Hormonal Treatment
Hormones (or a lack of them) during later years - especially for women - can play a role in acne flare-ups and prevention. Studies show that about 50 percent of women have acne, which is referred to as hormonal acne, during the week before their menstruation.
Treatment options include topical retinoids, oral antibiotics and Benzoyl Peroxide for teen years. Oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or topical treatments, prescription or over-the-counter products and medications.
5. Healthy Skin Regimen
Avoid harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation and can contribute to an over production of oil to replace what's washed off, clogging pores in the process. Use products with gentle exfoliation ingredients and avoid products that contain alcohol.
6. Shaving
Shaving is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne. Shaving can also help to get rid of whiteheads and blackheads. Do not shave areas that are sore or infected. Use a shaving cream for sensitive skin.
Use a sharp blade. Gentle swipes instead of heavy pressure are better and also go with the flow or "grain." A single-edged blade is better than a twin-blade razor. Electric razors may not shave as close to the skin, but they may be a better choice for the prevention of acne and other skin breakouts.
7. Stress
Stress includes external and internal stressors. External Stressors are those that compromise your skin's ability to heal, like oily make-up and too much sun. Internal stressors like anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, depression and a variety of other internalized emotions, can trigger chemical reactions inside your body that can result in acne flare-ups and other skin irritations.
To combat internal stressors and prevent acne problems, get plenty of rest and sleep. Try to maintain regular hours. Keep a check list of "Things that Calm You" handy for stressful times, like reading a book, resting, listening to music, taking a walk, going out for an ice cream cone, etc.

About the Author
Alan is a freelance writer. For further information, go to:

Clear your Acne and have Perfect Skin - Naturally!

by: Ryan Bauer
Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on common over-the-counter acne treatment products. The truth is, most of these products are full of chemicals that can actually slow down the healing of acne, and irritate your skin, causing farther breakouts.
When an acne product has 20 ingredients listed on it, it can be hard to know if one of those ingredients is actually stopping you from having success. It can be even harder when you can't pronounce the ingredient, much less know what it is and how it is going to affect your skin.
Most mainstream acne treatments are not only much more expensive than common household items, but they also don't always work as well either. With that in mind, I will list some basic household items that can work wonders on clearing up your skin.

Baking soda – A very cheap cooking ingredient that most people have in their homes already, baking soda can be used as a great scrub. The purpose of a scrub is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin that can eventually clog pores and lead to acne spots.
To start off, you'll want to mix a small amount of baking soda with some water for form a paste. Baking soda is very effective as a scrub, so you want to be sure to be extra careful when applying it to your face. Gently massage the paste into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Then rinse the baking soda off, and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Though most people that use vinegar to treat acne use the apple cider form of vinegar, you can also use plain old regular vinegar. Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful with it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH, and absorb extra oil on your skin.
Starting with clean, dry skin, apply diluted vinegar (eight parts water to one part vinegar) directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (say, 2 or 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, rinsing it off after ten minutes.
Lemon or lime juice can also be substituted for vinegar. Both of these juices are rich in citric acid, and can exfoliate your skin very well, halting the growth of acne spots, as well as fading previous, non-active acne quicker.

Egg Whites – Rich in protein, egg whites can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin.
To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg whites are left behind. Beat these egg whites, and apply them directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.
Oatmeal – As odd as it may seem, oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a regular basis, you should begin to start noticing results soon.

Tea Tree Oil – TTO is a commonly used all-natural household antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply TTO directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you strongly dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba oil), over your entire face.
Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many are made for applying over large areas of skin, so they aren't quite as strong as straight TTO and do not need to be diluted.

Pantothenic Acid (Also known as Vit. B5) – Pantothenic acid can be taken in large quantities for the benefit of acne reduction. B5 works by helping your body to metabolize fats which would otherwise be later turned into sebum (oil) and excreted through the skin. Small amounts of B5 won't help though, and it has to be taken several times a day.
To help with acne, you will need to take 2.5 grams of pantothenic acid (the powder form is much easier to take), 4 times per day, for a total of 10 grams per day.

Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera has been used for many years in kitchens for topical application to burns. Another benefit of aloe is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots.
You now have an idea of some basic household items you can use on your skin, that work better than many OTC acne products, and are much cheaper to use. Since we have only really covered basic acne treatments, you can always take this to another level and take all natural, internal acne treatments.

This sums up our basic list of natural alternatives for chemical based acne treatment products. You can take this a step farther by attacking your acne from the inside out. Acne has been shown numerous times to be very closely affected by the digestive system, so keeping your entire digestive system working as smooth as possible can help reduce acne. I will help give you a basic idea of some all natural products you can take to help clear up acne.

Cucumber, lemon and carrot juice, brewer's yeast, and active charcoal pills are all capable of helping the digestive system function normally. Since the digestive system is closely related with the health of the skin, they should help reduce acne breakouts. Flax seed can also be wonderful for helping your skin heal faster.
About the Author
Ryan Bauer is a former acne sufferer who writes health articles and runs his acne treatment website, Acne Elimination.

Celebrities Who Suffer From Acne… Do They Really Exist?

by: Elaine Clay
Is there any such thing as a celebrity who suffers from acne?

At first, it seems not… but that’s only a myth - there really are celebrities out there who suffer from acne!
Many people envy those who have achieved celebrity status. They are viewed as rich and powerful… glamorous and sometimes even a little super-human.

When you see them on television, in movies or in the glossy magazines the men always look ruggedly handsome and the women look stunningly beautiful.

Seldom are we given the chance to see these celebrities, in the comfort and privacy of their own homes, as they wake up in the mornings. No doubt the envious population would change their options somewhat knowing that almost no one is particularly glamorous at that time of day.

Cosmetics, technology and advanced photo editing methods can easily make people look younger, thinner and magically cover up flaws such as freckles, scars and acne. This is just what the producers of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have had to do.

All three adolescent stars - Daniel Radcliffe who plays Harry Potter, 15. Rupert Grint who plays Ron Weasley, 17 and Emma Watson 15, who plays Hermione Granger - have broken out with acne forcing the film makers of Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire to use special effects to hide their skin imperfections.
Celebrities deal with the same problems the rest of us do, acne being one of them. Britney Spears, Judith Light, Stephanie Seymour and Elle Macpherson have all publicly discussed how they have suffered from and corrected their acne problem.

By doing so, they have not only helped themselves, but millions of other acne sufferers around the world - they are positive proof that acne treatments work.
Your acne problem won’t be gone overnight, it will take time. But as you begin to see an improvement in your condition it’s quite possible that you will begin to feel like a celebrity, too!

Acne Information :: Elaine Clay is the owner of Acne Treatments - get information, tips and articles to help you find proven and effective acne solutions that treat your condition safely and naturally
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Causes and effects of acne – understand your acne treatment

by: MR
There are several acne care treatment methods that work well and are not very time consuming or expensive. Such techniques would be the treatment with alpha hydroxy acid or several forms of chemical peels that can do wonders for zit treatments. These methods of getting rid of acne are proven and effective and many cases of patients suffering from aggravated pimple irritation found these to be the perfect acne treatment. In the following article we will look closely at the above-mentioned acne care treatment methods and help you decide which technique will work best for your pimple problems.

Acne Care Treatment

The causes of acne are tied to the changes that happen when a child passes from infancy to puberty. Many persons still believe that acne is caused by dirty skin. The truth is, instead, is that to only wash the skin does not make acne disappear, nor does it prevent it. Adult acne treatment methods works just like those addressed to other age groups. To wash the skin, however, helps to remove the excess of sebum and the dead cells of the skin, and adults should be aware of this as well. Many persons use every type of product, including alcoholic detergents and exfoliant creams, often irritating the skin more than clearing it! Adult acne treatment approaches should also consider the social and psychological effects of adult acne. To wash the face two times a day, in a delicate way with water and a delicate detergent, is the best choice. However, acne is caused from a complex array of biological factors that cannot be eliminated just by washing. For this reason, it is necessary to begin a serious adult acne treatment focused on the problem of acne.

Adult acne treatment – myths and facts

In some cases, acne also persists in the adult age. This type of acne, generally, hits the skin of the face, but also the one of the body, and men are more exposed then women. Adult acne treatment for women takes into account the fact that the appearance of this type of acne is parallel to the menstrual cycle. In other cases, the acne is introduced randomly in the adult age: this type of acne plagues men and women alike. Acne is not caused by food, but some food items do have the potential to irritate the skin. To follow a tight diet will not recover your skin. While some think that their problem of acne is aggravated from the foods they consume (like the chocolate, drinks, fat oysters and foods), there are no scientific tests that demonstrate this being true. However it is not a mistake to avoid the fatter foods, but a focused and well-applied adult acne treatment is also necessary in order to get rid of this annoying condition. There are several ways to eliminate zits in adulthood. The most successful acne treatment methods may include acne blemish laser treatment, acne rosacea treatment, laser acne treatment. Consult with your dermatologist in order to determine which adult acne removal treatment will work best for you.

Treatment – Alpha hydroxy acid

Also known in the medical community as ascorbic acid, this technique mainly focuses on improving the levels of oil in the skin. It actually reduces the oil amount produced by the skin, thus diminishing the chances of acne eruptions. Alpha hydroxy acid also reduces the number of dead cells in the skin so your face looks healthier and with less irritation. This particular acne care treatment is effective when used in the early or mid stages of the problem, but it also used in severe acne treatment. The acid is found in several acne treatment drugs and ointments

Chemical peels acne treatment

In most cases, chemical peel treatments are used to remove lines under the eyes and around the mouth, as well as, sun-damaged skin, mild scarring, age spots and other skin problems. Acne treatments may include this method in which the dermatologist applies a certain chemical substance to the skin. The targeted spot blisters and can be peeled off. This method of acne care treatment is effective mostly for removing scars, especially in the facial area. The treatment is accompanies by some heat and stinging sensation, a fact that most patients found acceptable given the efficiency of the acne treatment.

Acne care treatment final remarks

There are several other methods for curing acne, such as home remedies or laser treatment. In order to select the best treatment for your pimple and zits you should consult with your doctor or dermatologist. For more information please visit:

Acne Blemish Laser Treatment -

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Body Acne Treatment -
Proactive Acne Treatment -
All acne information -

Busting Acne Myths Requires Individualized Treatment and Mor

by: Naweko San-Joyz
If you have acne, you know the deal- everybody has a cream or suggestion to help you get clear skin. But how do you separate myth, medicine and folklore to find an acne treatment that works for you? That’s what researcher Parker Magin set out to do in a study entitled, A systematic review of the evidence for ‘myths and misconceptions’ in acne management.

Magin and co-researchers from the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, conclude that clinicians cannot be “didactic” when making acne treatment recommendations that are based on diet, hygiene and sunlight exposure. According to Magin, acne treatments should be individualized.

Meanwhile, the Academy of Dermatology has published a press release touting, The Stubborn Truth About Acne: Myths and Misconceptions. Though this article discusses a recent Stanford University survey that examined acne myths held among young adults, it offers no solid advice for securing an acne antidote. Moreover, its meaning is paradoxical.

For example, the article headlines Alexa Boer Kimball, M.D. who is an assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard University. Dr. Kimballs sums up the survey on acne by saying “that substantial differences still exist between popular belief and scientific support, yet this does not change the way patients attempt to care for their acne.”

Dr. Kimballs’s comments at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology casts a discrediting shadow over her groundbreaking research that aimed to separate acne fact from fiction. Just two years ago in 2003, Dr. Kimball was apart of a Stanford University study investigating the effect of stress on acne. Then, Dr. Kimball concluded that, “increased acne severity was significantly associated with increased stress levels… while self-assessed change in diet quality was the only other significant association.” The results of this study suggested that the link between acne, and diet and stress are no longer hypothetical but warrant further examination.

Another investigation aiming to demystify acne came for Dr. Loren Cordain. Cordain and his associates explored the link between diet and acne in a study called Acne Vulgaris: A Disease of Western Civilization. Cordain noted that Kitavan Islanders of Papua New Guinea and the Aché hunter-gatherers of Paraguay had no active cases of acne. This prompted the question, “So why does acne vulgaris affect 79% to 95% of the adolescent population in westernized societies?”

Cordain found that genes alone do not cause the disparity of acne incidences between non-westernized and modernized societies. Other factors must enter the equation.

Acne can arise from hormonal shifts, stress upheavals and a host of other causes. Your best defense against acne is observing yourself and noting what conditions, foods and emotions aggravate your acne situation. From there, you can use self-care to reduce acne flare-ups.

About the Author
Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include “Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne” (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work “Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we’re still not getting this dieting thing” (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005.
For useful acne self-help articles visit

Brush your skin and keep acne away

by: rudy silva
The skin is the largest of the elimination channels. Through the skin toxins are eliminated which are brought to the skin surface from the blood. When the regular elimination channels are sluggish or partial plugged up such as your colon being constipated, not all toxins move out through your feces.

Toxins that accumulate in the colon tend to move into the blood, when colon walls have been weaken through constant constipation or abused through eating excessive junk food. Once in the blood they move into the liver for detoxification.

If you are frequently constipated, than your liver will be overworked and unable to detoxify all of the colon toxins. The liver will store a lot of these toxins in its own tissue and else where in your body’s tissues, joints, organs, cells and skin.

When you have excessive toxins and your immune system is not able to detoxify them, these toxins will moved to the skin surface through the blood where they are enter the hair pores – follicles – and try to move to the skin surface. When your pores are not working properly, excessive toxins in the pores can lead to acne.

Body odor is also a result of toxins coming out through the skin that should be moving out through the other elimination channels.

If your body skin is clean and its pores are open and unclogged, toxins will move out through the pores without creating pimples or eruptions. The skin normally moves 1-2 pounds of toxins out of your skin daily.

You can tell when your pores are open. You sweat freely during exercise. If you do not sweat much during hot weather or during exercise, then your skin pores are probably plugged.

To keep your skin active and serving as a good channel of elimination you need to brush your skin daily before you shower or during your shower. When you brush your skin, brush in one direction, starting from your feet towards your heart.

In her book, Detox For Life, 2002, Loree Taylor Jordan, C.C.H., I.D. says,

“One of greatest gifts of health that you can give yourself is the gift of skin brushing. Dry skin brushing in one of the finest of all baths. No soap can wash the skin as clean as the new skin you have under the old. You make new skin on the body every 24 hours. The skin will only be as clean as the bloodstream. Dry skin brushing removes the top layer. This helps to eliminate uric acid crystals catarrh, and various other acids in the body. The skin should eliminate 2 pounds of waste acids daily.”

Understanding how your skin lives will help you keep it clean. Brush your skin daily and bring toxins to the skin surface where you can get rid of them during your shower.
Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call “” More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Beware of Acne Cyst! Take the Precautions Necessary:

by: Michael Sanford
People are exposed in many elements outside and inside
their homes. In a world today wherein pollution is
abundant, many things arises specially the skin problems.
The unhealthy habits usually cause problems in skin. Skin is
the largest organ in the body and serve as the protective
layer of the system that is why it is a responsibility of each
and everyone to take good care of their skin since the skin
is one of the first factor that affects your image.

During the puberty stages, the common skin problem that
occurs is the cyst acne that is usually found on a person's
face, some cases of shoulder, chest and back cyst acne. In
this stage of every individual, the sex hormone which is the
testosterone triggers the sebaceous glands. The clogged
pores that contain sebum-secreting sebaceous is
threatening. The sebaceous glands contain sebum which is
the substance that makes the skin oily and greasy. With
this, skin cyst blemishes and pimples sprout and considered
as one of the major factor why acne appears. It is a fact
that acne cyst can cause emotional problems but it is
important that you know that there¡¯s worst from that and
that is the development of cyst. Clogged pores that swell
with sebum can rupture and spread to adjacent areas
causing local infections, consisting of pimples and zits.
These blemishes can then enlarge to form cysts

Acne cyst doesn¡¯t appears to teenagers only but also to
adults. The adult acne cyst gives bad complexion that may
cause you to lessen your confidence to face people. Based
on researches and studies, the severe pimples can cause
severe cyst acne. Open and closed comedones, pus pockets
and rose red areas of the skin are the common symptoms
of cyst. It is abundant on face, back and chest.

Cyst is acne that can be easily identified because of its
symptoms. So if you see simple sign of acne you should
take the necessary precautions to treat it and don¡¯t let it
develop into cyst. Prevention is always better than cure.
Have your hygienic habit as always. It will help you a lot if
you wash your skin few times a day in order to get rid of
excess oil buildup. Doing this will keep your skin clean and
will prevent clog pore and cyst. Always think that the habit
of picking at your blemishes may lead to cyst. Of course you
don¡¯t want that to happen that is why refrain from doing
that to avoid getting the worst problem. It is true that cyst
sometimes leads to cancer.

In every problem, there is always a solution. For you to
prevent having cyst cause by acne, you should take the
things needed. There are the presences of the cyst
medication. It is a practical idea if you take the natural
remedies to your problem. There are different treatments,
both prescription and over-the-counter, that can be used in
your cyst treatment. There are also cyst medications which
is non-prescript remedies. Drugs stores usually have these
remedies in the form of ointment, lotions and treated pads
that you can apply to your face and body.

But the healthy type of the medication is always with the
help of a dermatologist. With their professional skill, you are
able to determine the type of treatment you need.
Research and talking with your dermatologist will help you a
lot. Together, the two of you can find the perfect solution
for your cyst condition. The sooner you find your ideal
treatment, the sooner the threat of acne can be eliminated.
Don¡¯t worsen your situation by having medications that is
not advised or permitted. Always ask the professional help
of the dermatologist.
For more acne information please check out the acne resource center

Baby Acne

by: Jackie G. Maxwell
One of the most common conditions a new mother may see on her infant, is baby acne. But while it is startling in so young a child, it's really not a serious issue, nor should you be overly concerned about the causes or cures.

Some babies when born, may have small red bumps on their face. This is not baby acne, but something called “milia”, which usually disappears in a couple of weeks. On the other hand, the acne will appear around that same two week period, and show itself as small white heads, sometimes surrounded by red, irritated skin on the cheeks, chin, forehead and even the back.

In teenagers and even adults, acne is blamed on hormones and excessively oily skin. To some extent this is true of infants also, with hormones transmitted through the placenta, often being blamed for the facial spots. However, science has no real idea of the cause, and there is normally no treatment for the few weeks a child will have it.

Because the baby acne appears on areas of the face where they may have spit up, rubbed against sheets washed in harsh detergent, or drooled, it can become slightly aggravated, but that extra irritation will go away by changing your laundry soap, and wiping their face with a damp cloth when needed.

It is not advisable to try home remedies such as creams or oil, as these will only irritate the skin further. As a rule, nothing more is needed than washing once a day with mild baby soap. In some cases where the baby acne appears to get significantly worse, your doctor may prescribe a cream or other medication. He will also check at the same time, to see if a breastfeeding mother is taking any medication that may have triggered the acne through her milk.

About the Author
Jackie G. Maxwell is the resident baby & toddler expert at Malcolm's Web. Visit and sign up for free weekly tips that will take the mystery and fear out of parenting your precious little one.

B Vitamin Hype: With Ambitions of Fighting Acne, Rosacea and

by: Naweko San-Joyz

Vitamin B is no small time player in the high stakes game of the beauty. Just take the case of pellagra for example. Pellagra is a life threatening skin disease characterized by dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis that results from a niacin (B vitamin) deficiency. In the early 20th century in the United States pellagra plagued thousands of people in the South and Midwest. The condition was thought to be contagious until investigators discovered the underlying nutritional deficiency.

Even today, the importance of vitamin B is cultivating new roles in the world of beauty. Dermatologist Leslie Baumann, MD forecasts topical vitamin B and its multiple derivatives as key ingredients in future anti-aging products. For example, one derivative of the B vitamin niacin, nicotinamide, has been shown to improve the ability of the epidermis, the upper-most layer of the skin, to retain moisture.

One study reports that topical nicotinamide, when applied to the skin for six days reveals softer, smoother skin with less dryness and flakiness, and a reduction of fine lines. Even more promising is its anti-cancer influences. For instance, when applied to mouse skin, topical nicotinamide produced a 70 percent decrease in ultraviolet-induced skin cancer.

Niacinamide, another byproduct of vitamin B, serves as an effective skin-lightening agent. In one clinical investigation, patients with hyperpigmentation applied a moisturizer containing five percent niacinamide. Four weeks later, computer analysis of the hyperpigmentation and skin color revealed a decrease in hyperpigmentation along with an increase in skin lightness. Topical niacinamide also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a potential treatment for acne, rosacea and any blistering-type disease.

Dermatologist Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, clinical associate professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, N.C. is confident that praise for the therapeutic effects of niacinamide will continue to rise. Dr. Draelos hails, "Already, topical 4% niacinamide has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of papular and pustular acne in a 4% gel, as well as the improvement of skin cancer and its anti-tumor characteristics".

Dr. Baumann cautions that the many versions of one vitamin can be confusing and recommends speaking with your dermatologist to ensure you are selecting the right vitamin product for your skin care needs.

While it’s comforting to place a host of cosmetic aspirations in the latest beauty craze, Mother Nature’s wisdom will never lead you astray. If you can’t wait to get the benefits of B vitamins in your beauty cream, just go to your local market and help yourself to some chicken, tuna, potatoes, spinach, asparagus, black beans and watermelon. These are just of few of the foods providing bountiful servings of vitamin B.

Remember, these scores of medical insights and promises started with a nutritional deficiency.

Naweko San-Joyz writes health and beauty articles from her home in San Diego. She recently published “Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne”. To challenge and verify her research, San-Joyz trains for figure competitions.

Are You Tired Of Looking For The Acne Cure ?

by: M.D. Stacener
When it comes to zits and finding the acne cure it can be quite a difficult task. Everyone claims their product to be the one but are they. The acne cure is the product that works for you and what works for you might not work for someone else.

So how do you determine the acne cure that’s right for you? Well I wish I could tell you it’s very simple just buy product A or product B but the truth is you are going to have to experiment try different products until you find the one that works for you.

I could fill you full of bull and tell you Neutrogena is the one or Proactive is the one. For some that would be true, for others however it would not.

When trying a new product try to buy the smallest quantity available. Many acne products offer a trial size which is perfect! If no trial size is available then you’ll have to buy the next smallest size you can find.

Remember price has no bearing on what works. For some the cheapest acne products do the job for others it’s the most expensive. Trial and error is the only way you’ll find out.

There are some general things you can do that help almost all sufferers to some degree.

Increase the amount of water you drink daily. It should be at least 10 8 ounce glasses. Water helps flush your system and that includes your skin which then can better move impurities and toxins out of the body.

Increase the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables you eat.

Exercise. Exercise helps boost the immune system which can then better fight our acne outbreaks.

Take a zinc supplement. Zinc has shown great results for many acne sufferers. If you want more information on zinc visit us at the acne cure center or do a quick search and you’ll find other sites providing valuable information.

Reduce stress. Stress can trigger an outbreak so try to keep your stress under control. I know this can be easier said than done but there are many relaxation techniques available. Give one a try.

Contrary to the old wives tails floating around. Acne is not caused by sugar or greasy foods. Although they don’t directly cause acne, they are overall not healthy for the body and can reduce the bodies ability to build a strong immune system so you should consume in moderation. But cutting them out of your diet won’t make your acne magically disappear.

Many acne outbreaks are a result of hormonal imbalances. That’s why acne is so prone in teens. There are hormonal treatments available that you can talk to your doctor about.

There are also many other treatments available from your doctor or dermatologist. This is certainly a route worth exploring if you suffer from severe acne.

But for the occasional outbreak you can find the acne cure that works for you over the counter. So why not start now?

About the Author
M.D. Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at The Acne Cure

Are You Still Blaming Acne on Bacteria?

by: Naweko San-Joyz
All life forms strategize to survive and procreate. Weeds, worms, birds, fungi and bacteria all work to sustain their own lives on this planet. In fact, we humans survive because of the biological games constantly unfolding in our mist. Propionibacterium acnes, or p acne bacteria, are no different. They want and need to survive. Skin bacteria perform an important function. Bacteria use the secretions of our sweat and sebaceous glands (sebum is the oil that makes our skin look shiny) as nutrients. P acnes that are in balance with your body prevent colonization by more harmful bacteria.

P acne bacteria only encourage acne formations if the production of oil on the face is excessive. This surplus of oil of prompted by hormonal, nutritional, environmental and/or psychological changes in the body. So to prevent acne, you do not what to kill bacteria per se, but keep the amount of bacteria on your skin at an optimal balance. You optimize your oil secretion by understanding and controlling your response to hormonal, nutritional, environmental and/or psychological changes.

If we upset the balance of bacteria in our bodies by taking antibiotics, our resident flora is upset and this enables harmful bacteria (such as Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii) to colonize our skin. What’s more, antibiotics can destroy the balance of intestinal flora and cause constipation.

In short, using antibiotics on bacteria is a battle amongst intelligent parties involving the bacteria, the body, and the human mind. If we fail to appreciate the bacteria as bodily maintenance workers and continue dousing them with antibiotics, the bacteria just become more resistant to our antibiotics.
The bacteria are practiced at playing dead as a tactic for survival. Even people who have used the strongest acne drug on the market, Accutane, have witnessed the cunning behavior of bacteria as zits reappear some months after using this course of acne treatment. These people have discovered that bacteria do not die; they silently and strategically multiply. If you do not want your bacteria out of balance, do not provide them an environment conducive to acne.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Are you addicted to your acne trigger?

by: Naweko San-Joyz
An acne trigger is any thought, location, feeling, food, emotion, response, drink, drug, memory and/or experience that sets off a series of hormonal reactions in your body that ultimately result in an acne formation.

If a food or drink is the culprit behind your acne breakouts you may actually be addicted to your preferred culinary delight. The allergy addition could stem from the body’s response to frequently consumed allergens. During an allergic response, the body releases endorphins. These endorphins in turn create the feeling of a natural high. Any substance that promotes this fleeting state of euphoria may be additive. So, you may be eating a food that you are allergic to just to get high, and as an after blow, you get acne. Ouch.

Surprisingly, eating a lot of any particular food, even a “healthy food”, can incite an allergic response. Though still unexplainable, the food creates an immune response and/or stresses specific digestive enzymes. Poor digestion can irritate the body in multiple ways, generating an allergic response. One way to decide whether or not you are allergic to a certain food is to examine the foods your most often crave. Are you eating the food to experience a gastronomic high? Foods containing chocolate, dairy, wheat, corn, tomatoes, and soy are common sources of food allergens.

Sources and additional reading:

The Inflammation Syndrome: The complete nutritional program to prevent and reverse heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, asthma. Jack Challem. John Wiley & Sons. 2003.

Stop Inflammation Now! A step-by-step plan to prevent, treat, and reverse inflammation- the leading cause of heart disease and related conditions. Richard M. Flemming, M.D. with Tom Monte. G.P. Putman’s Sons. 2004.

About the Author
Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include “Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne” (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work “Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we’re still not getting this dieting thing” (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005.
For useful acne self-help articles visit

An acne herbal hand and footbath

by: rudy silva
n a book I read by William L. Fischer called Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect Health at Any Age, Book II, 1986, I learn how to do herbal footbaths.

In chapter 10, The F-M Circulizer System, Fischer discusses the use of an herbal footbath. After reading this chapter, I realized how herbs in a footbath could improve your skin and help you eliminate acne.

This book was written in 1986 and Fischer claims herbal footbaths have been in use overseas since 1946!

Now, you can do either a footbath or a hand bath. Once you prepare a container with hot water you can put your feet or hands into it and get the same results.

If you already have foot spa, thank your mother, sister, or whoever bought it because you’re in for a treat. If you don’t, with $20 or $30 you can get one just like I did.

When you use a heated footbath, veins in your feet start to expand. Over a period of 15-20 minute, the warm water affects your entire vascular (blood) system and you get improved blood circulation.

By adding an herbal infusion into the hot water in the footbath, minerals and other phytochemicals from the herbs enter the soles of your feet and into your blood stream.

This means that you can introduce herbal phytochemicals into your blood stream using the footbath. During your footbath, these herbal chemicals quickly circulated throughout your body and get to work neutralizing acid, killing bacteria, and improving your skin circulation.

Here is an herbal combination you can use. This herbal combination was taken and modified slightly from a book written by Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D., called The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, 1986. Mowrey says,

“This (herbal) blend attacks external skin disorders from within, purifying the blood, carrying away waste, reinforcing the blood’s ability to ward off infectious agents.”

The herbal combination to use is,

* Dandelion root – purifies blood and improves liver function
* Yellow dock root – purifies blood, helps liver, is anti-bacterial
* Saraparilla root – has antibiotic action, promotes waste elimination through urine and sweating
* Echinacea – increases immunity and promotes skin healing
* Licorice – protects the liver so that it can detoxify the blood better
* Kelp – provide minerals and vitamins and binds heavy metal that are bad for health
* Chaparral – is anti-microbial making effective against acne.
* Fresh Garlic – cut up a few cubes of garlic and place them into the hot water. Garlic is has antibacterial properties.

Buy one ounce of each herb and mix them.

Here’s how to do the herbal footbath,

* Place 2-3 tablespoons of herbal mix into 1 ½ cups of water
* Boil the water with herbs – use only a glass, porcelain, or stainless steel container
* After water starts to boil, pull the container off the stove
* Let tea sit for 15-30 minutes. The longer the tea sits the stronger the tea and its effects
* Prepare your foot spa with water
* Strain the tea to remove leaves and roots
* Poor tea and cut garlic into the foot spa
* Place your feet or hands in the hot water for 15 – 30 minutes.

I have been using a foot spa for many different conditions for my family and myself. I really like using the footbath. It is a convenient way to by pass your digestive system and get more nutrients into your body
Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call “” More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Adult Acne Treatment – To Treat a Condition That No-One Talk

by: Peter Crump
Acne is the most common skin complaint in the world. And it is not restricted to teenagers. Adult acne is a common but rarely discussed complaint that is thought to affect around 25% of adult men and up to 50% of adult women at some time in their adult lives. And adult acne treatment is often sought although the cause, namely the existence of the acne, is rarely talked about. Adult acne treatment is very common.

As with other types of acne including teenage acne, the exact causes of adult acne remain unknown, but are thought to relate to changes or imbalances in our body’s hormones. It is suspected that these hormonal changes at various times in our lives lead to increases in the amount of oil in our skin which in turn leads to clogged pores or hair follicles in the skin. This results in waste matter building up under the surface of the skin which becomes infected by bacteria and produced the well known spots suffered by adult acne sufferers or acne sufferers in general causing the need for the search for an effective adult acne treatment.

There are a number of times in our lives when our hormones are more likely to get out of balance and these correspond with times of higher likelihood of experiencing acne. The obvious and most well known one is in our teenage years. However it is perfectly possible to suffer adult acne well into the later and even middle aged years necessitating adult acne treatment.

It is thought that adult acne in women is more common because of the reproduction cycles a woman goes through such as menstruation, pregnancy, child birth and menopause. And in some cases hormonal products such as the pill can be used by doctors as a very effective adult acne treatment to produce some hormonal changes which can have positive results on the womans adult acne. In fact this can be the best treatment for adult acne of this nature.

Normally though, adult acne does not result in a total face breakout as teenage acne can do, so can be more easily controlled by some form of masking such as makeup which negates the need for adult acne treatments. There may be spots, but not so likely to be thousands of them.

The only real reason for an adult acne treatment, or any acne treatment at any age, is cosmetic. And so where a cosmetic effect can be achieved by other means the need for a treatment is removed.

There are thought to be external factors which also contribute to adult acne, amongst them are stress, cosmetics and diet. Unfortunately none of these is sufficiently understood either so it is hard to get some hard and fast rules about what not to do and what to do.

One thing that is known though, acne is not caused by eating too much chocolate as was sometimes said to be the case. Cheese is ruled out too.

The remedies for adult acne are the same for other acne. First see your doctor to check it’s normal acne and not something more serious. Next try out some of the very good adult acne treatments on the market which may control your adult acne. These adult acne treatments are, in fact, the same treatments used for our teenagers. Not every product will work for everyone so find the one which works for you and then stick to it.

Keep using it until you body decides it’s time to stop the acne.

A few other suggestions which may work, or may do nothing. Wash your face gently and regularly, but don’t scrub. Keep your diet healthy and follow normal good dietary practices. Keep your hair well washed, especially if it’s oily, and keep it off your face. And avoid makeup or too much makeup.

And try and avoid squeezing them. It’s not established whether squeezing is damaging or not, but avoid it if you can.

So, if you have adult acne and are wondering about what you do about finding a good adult acne treatment, you’re in good company.

About the author:
Find out more about Acne at Peter’s website well as Acne cures and adult acne, acne skin care products, the best acne treatments and more.

Adult Acne: A Bumpy Ride Towards Aging

by: Charlene J. Nuble
Picture this; the snow-white clear skin that you have been proud of since your teen years has suddenly poofed into a wicked witch's warty face upon reaching the age of 30! "Acne, at my age?" This is often the distressed statement of pockmarked men and women in their 30's to 40's afflicted with adult acne.

This problem is surely not the work of a vengeful sorcerer. Acne vulgaris is what this most common skin disorder in the United States is scientifically called. Statistics has it that 15 million people in US alone are afflicted with acne. It is an embarrassing problem among teenagers. But this condition is not only limited to those awkward years. Adult acne is also prevalent, especially among people in the age group of 25 to 40.

Acne is a disease that resulted from the accumulation of sebum, a highbrow term for oil, underneath the skin. When this happens and the desquamation (human's way of molting) process goes wrong, the pores become clogged. Aggravation will continue and soon infection sets in. A bad bug called Propionibacterium acnes causes this infection. Overproduction of oil and mismanagement of the process of shedding cells equals bunged pores. Clogged pores plus P. acnes, the scoundrel, equals breakout. Those pesky zits are produced just as easy as that.

One of the pushing forces that may cause the occurrence of acne includes the elevation of levels of testosterone among adolescents. No, it's not Toblerone misspelled. No matter how many anecdotes you've heard about chocolate addiction causing zits to dominate your face, there's really no enough scientific basis to prove this. Testosterone is a chemical produced by the body that increase sebum production and change the keratin of the hair follicles. Testosterone is an androgen. Androgen is a hormone produced in high levels among males. This is the reason behind the worse cases of acne among teenage boys more than girls.

Adult acne is called acne rosacea. It is characterized by the following: unsightly thick, red skin on the nose and cheeks, pus-filled blisters, small red bumps, and small red blood vessels seen on the skin surface. It is more commonly linked to increased levels of stress. Isn't it interesting how the body reacts to this stimulus? NOT. When exhausted, like Gizmo getting wet, our skin could actually give birth to little monsters! Though they are not as troublesome as gremlins, they could be just as annoying as well. Seriously, pimples can be difficult to deal with, and can cause depression and anxiety in an adult the same way it can in a teen. Pressure from work and family responsibilities is thought to possibly affect the normal balance of our hormones. And hormones messed up means having to put up with bumpy complexion caused by adult acne.

Aside from stress-triggered hormonal imbalance, hot foods alcohol consumption, and smoking are also considered to exacerbate adult acne. This may help you reconsider your food preferences and habits.

Acne lesions are commonly found on the face, but they can also pop out anytime on the neck, chest, back, shoulders, scalp, and upper arms and legs. Adult acne is more persistent than teen acne. It is because adults are consistently exposed to the many factors that cause breakouts. Another hitch of adult acne is permanent scarring. It is an evidence of the inevitable reality that with the coming of age, the skin loses its erstwhile ability to repair itself. As if there's a need to be reminded of that when your face starts to wrinkle already. Now here's more to shriek in terror for, especially those in their mid-20's: adult acne causes PREMATURE AGING. Isn't that just nerve-wracking?

Enough of the endless yada's regarding how adult acne could further destroy us. As how master Yoda puts is, educated we must be with the crusade towards clearer AND younger skin. Or at least skin that is just our age we must maintain.

At the first sight of those wicked pimples together with gray hair and wrinkles (talk about aging signs overkill), just like with teenagers, impulse dictates squeezing. But you very well know that squeezing is a big no-no. How old are you? You surely don't need any more marks of time's passage.

In severe cases, consulting a dermatologist would best help in dealing with adult acne. The dermatologist may prescribe an antibiotic, vitamin A derivative like Isotretinoin or other acne drug available. More women may be afflicted with adult acne than men. Pregnancy is another story if you are prescribed anti-acnes, especially Isotretinoin.

Proper skin care may not guarantee a flawless complexion. But a good skin care regimen may aid in warding off bacteria that worsen adult acne. If you love scrubbing for its squeaky-clean feel, think twice. It can render more damage to your already-blemished skin.

Another hint especially for women: use NON-COMEDOGENIC products. Non-comedogenic basically means anything that does not clog skin pores or cause acne. Do your homework and look for as many non-comedogenic versions of the skin care products you use. It's worth it, you'll see.

If stress is linked with adult acne, then, disengaging yourself from stressful activities might work wonders, right? A day away from work or catching up on one of your hobbies won't hurt.

There's this bold Jean Kerr reacting on a classical quotation.

"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?"

It doesn't mean the depreciation of a pleasing personality. Such reaction only imparts a message of giving value to what boosts your self-esteem. If it's a clear complexion along with your aging gracefully, so be it. No adult acne should put a shame on your face and get in your way of becoming more confident.

About the Author: Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about acne, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

Acne Treatments For Teenagers

by: Marc Howlett
The Teenagers' Guide on Treating Acne 

Acne is truly one of the big problems faced and most feared by teenagers anywhere around the globe. To some, it is a nightmare to have acne that truly gives very unfavorable effects. It surely lowers a person's self-esteem to express themselves freely and confidently to their families, friends, partners or to anyone. It certainly carries with it physical, as well as, emotional scars made by self-conciousness and embarrassment that made some don't even want to get out of their rooms!

Acne, however, just occurs normally and naturally with teenagers like you so you shouldn't feel so bad and depressed about it.According to recent statistics, 9 out of 10 teens and about 25% of the adult population are suffering from acne.But, acne is just a skin problem that can actually be treated. Doctors and health companies, nowadays, are looking forward to give us the best acne treatments for teenagers. Health tips are also worth to follow and made to practice. You should know that prevention is better than a cure! As the saying goes, the best cure for your acne problems is making the constant effort of preventing it to occur in the first place.

Self-prepared remedies
There are so many acne treatments for teenagers like you that can actually be found inside your home or just right in your garden. Fruits and other herbs are known to men as cure to almost any health problems, one of these is acne. You will surely find it fun to make your own proven acne treatment for teenagers. Making a paste or a mask is actually one of the common procedure teenagers do to treat their acne. You can actually make one with ground orange peel or fresh lemon juice. Another effective acne treatment for teenagers is actually a mixture of tea tree and sweet fennel essential oils added with witch hazel. This is believed to remove the excess oil and dirt on your face and kill the bacteria that cause the unwanted acne. Corn flour mixed with egg white is another great option that you can try to clear that acne in your face. Cucumber, a favorite acne treatment for teenagers, is tested to prevent the appearance of acne. It also refreshes your tired and unhealthy skin.

Right on the counter
When you think home-made preparations are not the acne treatments for teenagers like you, then ‘over-the-counter’ products are more recommended for you. Anytime at the nearest store in your neighborhood, you can buy these non-prescription products that are truly great acne treatments for teenagers. Boys especially prefer these products for it is really awkward for them to put on a facial mask. Benzoyl peroxide is actually the best known acne treatment for teenagers that is available in stores. It works as to dry the skin and eventually encourage it to peel off and form a new, healthier skin surface. It also has antibacterial effects, very good in killing that irritable acne-causing bacteria.

The doctors’s advice
Not all cases of acne problems can be treated by self-made applications or “over-the-counter” drugs. These actually only treats mild to moderate acne problems. Thus, a consultation with your doctor is advisable, especially when you have a severe case of acne problem. Your doctor will surely give you more potent acne treatments for teenagers which are actually divided between topical and oral solutions. Topical acne treatments given to teenagers are applied directly on the skin include antibiotic lotions and azelaic acid which is described as a benzoyl peroxide alternative. Meanwhile, oral antibiotics that you have to take in are just some of the recommended acne treatments for teenagers.

About The Author

Marc Howlett writes articles for and several other leading websites.

Acne Treatment Tips

by: M.D. Stracener
Acne is a broad term which includes blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can strike at any age. Effective acne treatments are sometimes difficult to find, and understanding acne and prevention can be frustrating. Here are some acne treatment tips that have worked for many.

Although acne isn’t life threatening it can be uncomfortable and hard on your ego. There has always been a debate about the actual cause of acne. The actual cause isn’t as important as finding a cure.

So is there a cure for acne. Well yes and no. There are many products available and for some they are a cure, for others they do not help. A cure is only a cure when you find a product that works for you.

Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient. Once you’ve got your acne cleared up it’s important to continue with the treatment that’s working so it does not return.

If you have serious acne it is best to consult a dermatologist. However in milder cases you will often be able to get it under control by yourself just by preservering. Try these tips to conquer your acne.

Regular exercise helps keep your whole body in shape. It builds your immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body. It’s a great start to fighting acne.

You need to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients that your body needs. They boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They can work towards helping you get rid of the acne. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush your system of toxins.

Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue.

Hormones can play a role in acne flare ups and they can be used to reduce outbreaks. Your doctor may decide to use HRT to eliminate or reduce your acne outbreaks.

Clean Skin
You need to avoid harsh scrubbing of your face but you also need to thoroughly clean your skin nightly. Use a mild cleaning regime every night. Once or twice a week you should also use an exfoliator to gently remove damaged skin and unplug pores.

Is actually a great exfoliating treatment the removes dead skin. However you should never shave an area that is infected or inflamed. Always use a shaving cream if your skin is sensitive.

Can be a contributing factor to acne so try to relax and unwind. Emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body which can cause an outbreak.

You can help control your acne outbreaks by following these simple steps. What are you waiting for?

About the author:
MD Stracener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at